Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fox gets it

Say what you want about Mark Fox, but he seems to get it this year:
“We should feel good about it. I don’t feel great, because I feel like last week I let everyone down,” Fox said. “Last week’s loss felt like 20 losses. So now it feels like 19.”
He's talking, of course, about the win over Stony Brook as compared to the loss against Georgia Tech, a game most of us feel like Georgia could have and should have won.  Fox thinks so too:
“We played with composure and poise, offensively. If we had played that way last week, we’d have won by 12,” Fox said. “But we didn’t. It took a loss to get us to understand we have to play that way.
I like a few things about Fox's comments.  First and foremost, there's an acknowledgment that these early season games mean something.  Second, there's an understanding that Georgia fans really, really want to start beating Georgia Tech in basketball.  Third, there's a great deal of confidence in coming out and saying you should have won a game at Tech by 12.

The Tech game is water under the bridge at this point.  It's time to move on.  But if Fox wants to offset the other 19 losses he refers to, I'm fine with that...

h/t Seth Emerson

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